Super Womyn Awards

The Super Womyn is a womyn whose actions have inspired us and whose existence made her community a better place.  Venus envisions a world in which women and girls are valued as fully human and can grow, work, love and live under conditions of justice and peace. The Super-womyn is a womyn who has made a contribution to our vision. In an effort to pay homage to the multitude of amazing womyn doing amazing work we grant the Super Womyn award each year.

Favianna Rodriguez

Past Superwomyn awardees:

Venus ’10 Just Be: Soul Revival: For the first time in 2010 the Venus Collective decided to honor not one womyn, but an inspirational group of womyn. At the time of the event the “Whittier Moms” of the Whittier Parent Committee were staging a sit in the field house next to Whittier Elementary School. After seven years of working with CPS to build a library to no avail, the moms took the drastic action of sitting in.  After 43 days and night of the sit-in the moms reached an agreement with Chicago Public Schools to have the field house leased to them for $1 per year, for it to be renovated and used as a community center. This was a major milestone in their work and they have ended the sit-in portion of their struggle. Nevertheless these fearless womyn continue to stand up for education as the negotiations to build a library and demand quality educational systems persist.
To learn more about their efforts visit

Venus ’08 Imagine a Day Without a Woman: This event honored Rosie Carrasco, a leading immigrant right organizer in Chicago. Rosie is the leader of the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR) and her efforts lead her to organize one of the lead organizers for the historical March 10, 2006 protest in Chicago that drew up to 300,000 people.  Venus stands in solidarity with Rosie and her efforts proving that “Ningun ser humano es illegal!”

To all of the Super-womyn out there thank you for being you. Venus loves you!

We are always accepting nominations for our next Super-Womyn.

Please send your nominees to

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